Pigeon Demo

Welcome to the Pigeon demo

This is a demo of how you can use Pigeon to create the same website using multiple CMS platforms.

Get started

npm i @adrocodes/pigeon zod

Pigeon uses zod to validate incoming data from your CMS to ensure you get the data you're expecting. You can then run a `transform` on this data to ensure you're components get the props they expect.

Allowing for confidence in your data and allows you to quickly see if the content model changes.

Read more in the README

About the demo

This demo shows how this works in practice by connecting to several Content Management Systems to pull in data, validate, transform and render to the same components.

In this way, your data and UI is separate allowing you to reuse UI in several projects without them being tied to how a CMS works or outputs data.

For this demo, we're using:

With planned demos for:

Demo Links